This is a simple test concept on day 4 of the biga game jam:

Since this jam theme is Rivalry and has a surprise theme of having an Ally,  Darklight Duel contrasts light and dark as opposing factions in a random AI path pseudo-tower defense game. Both forces spawn increasingly more units each wave. Enemies have a slider for indicating their health bar. The player can press left mouse button (LMB) in order to fire their flame towers and damage enemies before they reach their end tile.

Every 10 levels, more towers are spawned for the player with typically better firing rates (initial tower has a 1 sec firing rate). The user's light team has a speed bonus every 10 minutes during the daytime. The invading dark faction receives a health and speed bonus for 5 minutes between the daytime cycle. The day and night cycle should be visually shown as the light source in the scene lowering or increasing the color over time until it's at minimum darkness (night) or maximum lightness (day).

The player has periodic help from their Ally, who increasingly deals more damage as the levels progress automatically whenever their blue slider meter is filled and there are enemies. 

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